Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bill and Tom Kaulitz Hairstyles

Bill and Tom Kaulitz Hairstyles

These two twin boys from Tokio Hotel have separate looks for their hair, but each style is equally questionable. Tom sports dreads worn underneath a toque AND a baseball hat in a ponytail fashion. But that’s nothing compared to Bill’s ‘do, which looks like he just touched the elecrticity ball at the Science Centre. It’s like 80s Metal Hair on drugs, with a new-school penchant for giant weaves thrown in for good measure. Listen, twins. Dressing alike is unnecessary, but your mane style may be even more unnecessary-er (yeah, we went there). We know you’ve got a kabillion fans and while we do enjoy your attempts at being avant-garde, please consider a good visit to the barber in your 5 Year Plan.


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